The roof of your commercial building is extremely important. Not only does it offer protection to your assets from the effects of rain, wind, and other environmental factors, it also can save money for your company with improved energy efficiency over the life of your roof.
Aside from going with a reliable EPDM roofing company in Lincoln or Omaha, the most important factor to consider when choosing a new flat roof is the type of material. Choosing an ineffective roofing material can leave you with a damaged building and wasted money. At Nelson Contracting, we help our clients find roofing solutions that fit their unique needs.
Why an EPDM Roof?
Ethylene propylene diene monomer, or EPDM roofing, will have a noticeable effect on the energy costs that come with heating and cooling your building. This roofing material is a unique substance that acts as a second skin for your roof.
EPDM often comes at an affordable price compared to other roofing materials. It can stay in good shape no matter what temperatures or climates it’s exposed to. Also, the durability EPDM offers against hail damage and the impact of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation make it a popular material for commercial buildings.
EPDM roofing can be installed in different ways, with the best method for you decided by the type of building you have. A trained roofing expert can inspect your building and recommend one of the common installation methods.
This type of roof can be applied to your roof and “stuck” in place. It also can be fastened mechanically in much the same way other roofing materials are attached. Lastly, it can be laid on top of your existing roof and weighted down with river rock surface to hold it in place.
Not every installation method is suitable for every roof. Our experts at Nelson Contracting can help you determine which method is the best option for you.
No roof lasts forever, and even with the effective lifespan of 20 years that EPDM offers, you may still find yourself needing EPDM roof repair from time to time.
One of the most common reasons for your EPDM roof needing repair is due to using a contractor who lacks the experience to install it properly. This is why it’s important to deal with an EPDM roofing company that has the experience and training to get the job done correctly the first time.
Our team has also become experienced in helping to repair the results of poor installation. An EPDM roof comes with a unique set of requirements and challenges. At Nelson Contracting, we have made sure to keep up-to-date with the best training we need to install or repair your roof.
For years, Nelson Contracting has had real-world experience helping companies just like yours with the roofing solution they need. It doesn’t matter if you have one small building, a large manufacturing plant, or even several buildings that all need a new roof. We can help make the process easy, as inexpensive as possible, and professional enough to last for decades.
Our goal is to install your roof, then return at the end of its lifespan to replace it. We hold our team to the highest standards and settle for nothing less than the best commercial roof installation procedures and materials in the industry.
If your company is in the construction phase of a new building or is making plans for the construction of a new building, call us. The experts at Nelson Contracting in Lincoln, Nebraska have the qualifications, standards, and experience to make sure your new roof is installed with the quality you deserve.
While we are based in Lincoln, that doesn’t necessarily mean your company is out of our service area. Contact Nelson Contracting for EPDM roofing services today and let’s discuss possible solutions for your roof.
Don’t settle for someone with less experience and knowledge. Contact Nelson Contracting to work with trustworthy roofing professionals.